client testimonials

I can honestly say that therapy with Bokyung changed my life. She helped me learn to be more empathetic towards myself and the people that I love, and I’m so grateful! Bokyung is so kind, and created a space of trust where I could heal my inner child. I would recommend Bokyung to anyone who wants a therapist who listens and truly cares.”

“Therapy sessions with Bokyung have provided me with so many opportunities for growth. Her gentle but straightforward body-centric approach is incredibly grounding, comforting, and healing. As someone who "thinks" a lot, I appreciate the reminders to check in with my body and to let the feelings be present. Our time together has taught me more about myself, and how to give myself more patience, grace, and compassion.”

Working with Bokyung provided perspective rooted in respect and elevated my relationship with myself. Bokyung is effective in somatic therapy and her approach guided me through challenges using self love as the compass. Bokyung has changed my life.”

My relationship with my anxiety has gotten a lot better since working with Bokyung. I used to feel an intense amount of anxiety and shame over the simplest matters, but since working with her, I’ve been able to manage those feelings in healthier, less destructive manners.

The lack of judgement and personal input unless I asked for it was something I really appreciated and something that stood out to me. I truly felt safe to talk about whatever was on my mind, even if the topics of discussions were irrelevant to the overarching reason as to why I was in therapy.”